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Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that are sent from the server to the user's device even when the user is not actively using the application. These notifications are a way to reach out to users and provide valuable information or updates related to their interests or ongoing conversations. They play a crucial role in keeping users engaged and informed about relevant updates in real-time.

  • This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to send push notifications using a CURL request-


Obtain Authentication Token for CURL request

Identify Bot ID

  1. Retrieve the Bot ID from the pgAdmin database.
    • Navigate to pgAdmin.
    • Select the aistudiobot_bot table.
    • Locate the appropriate Bot ID.

User ID Retrieval

  1. Retrieve the user ID from pgAdmin database
    • Navigate to pgAdmin
    • Select the aistudiobot_chatsession table.
    • Locate the appropriate User ID

Service url for CURL request

  1. The service urls for different channels are given below,
    • MS teams - ""
    • Azure webchat - ""
    • AE webchat - "http://localhost:3978/v3/directline"
    • AE whatsapp - "http://localhost:3978/whatsapp"

Create a Dialog for Push Notification

  1. Within AIStudio, you can create a dialog that includes details of notification, utilizing key-value pairs as dialog parameters in the CURL request.

It's important to note that when a notification is initiated during an ongoing conversation, the system queues the notification. The queued notification is then delivered to the user once they exit the dialog, ensuring timely and non-intrusive communication.

Sending Push Notifications

Construct CURL Request

  • Use the obtained authentication header, Bot ID, and other necessary details to construct a CURL request. Replace placeholders such as {{auth_header}}, {{bot_id}}, {{user_id}}and {{service_url}} with the actual values. Also include the corresponding dialog name and dialog parameters.

     curl -X POST \
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{auth_header}}" \
    "notifications": [
    "bot_id": "{{bot_id}}",
    "chat_channel": "channel",
    "user_id": "{{user_id}}",
    "service_url": "{{service_url}}",
    "trigger_aistudio_dialog": {
    "dialog_id": "dialogname",
    "params": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
    }' \