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Provisioning subtab is only available for Cloud instances.

Provisioning subtab is used for seamless deployment of the Chatbot webservice for the particular Cognibot project. With this, you have full flexibility regarding when you want to deploy the Chatbot webservice and redeploy anytime without the System Administrator’s intervention.

Deploy Chatbot webservice

Following are the detailed steps to deploy the Chatbot webservice.

  • Click Deploy.
  • The fields available under the deploy option are explained below:
    • Setup Configuration:
      • Create Azure Bot: Select this option if you want to create an Azure Bot in our Azure instance. If you have your Azure Bot already ready and want to use the same, do not select this option.
      • Azure Bot Name: If Create Azure Bot is selected, the Azure bot name field will be shown. This is the display name by which this chatbot will be available on Microsoft Teams.
      • Instances: It is the number of Chatbot webservice you want to be deployed. Multiple instances will work in a distributed mode.

      To know the maximum number of instances you can start, please contact System Administrator.

    • Click Next.
    • Set Environment Properties:
      You can add environment variables to be set during deployment. This will be accessible in Chatbot Webservice and custom code. We have a list of environment variables that cannot be set.
      If you have not selected Create Azure Bot in the previous screen, then you will need to provide values for the following environment variables.
      MS_APP_ID: Microsoft APP ID.
      MS_APP_PASSWORD: Microsoft APP Password.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Submit to deploy the Chatbot webservice.

On successful deployment, the following details are updated in the Cognibot project,

  • Overview,
    • Teams Url: If the Create Azure Bot option was selected, a link to open the chatbot in Microsoft Teams.
    • Messaging Endpoint: If the Create Azure Bot option was not selected, a messaging endpoint is shown. This should be configured in your Azure Bot, so it can connect to this chatbot.
    • Cognibot Settings:
      • Webservice URL
      • Connector URL
      • Token: If Create Azure Bot was selected else you would have to provide the webchat token here explicitly.
  • Datasource: Update datasource AI Studio Bot with the Chatbot webservice database details. If the datasource is not present we create one with the same name.

Redeploy Chatbot webservice

Once deployment is done, the Deploy option changes to Redeploy. The following scenarios are when redeployment of Chatbot webservice could be needed,

  • Changes in Cognibot Credentials.
  • Custom code modifications under the Extension subtab.
  • Increase or decrease the instances for Chatbot webservice.
  • Environment variables updates.

The steps of Chatbot webservice redeployment are explained below,

  • Click Redeploy.
  • Setup Configuration: You cannot make changes to the Azure Bot details. Only the Instances details can be modified.
  • Click Next.
  • Set Environment Properties: You can add, remove or update any environment variable.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Submit to redeploy the Chatbot webservice.

On redeployment, you will notice the earlier instances are terminated one by one and new instances are created. Once the new instances are in a Running state, you can go ahead with interacting with the chatbot or sync the chatbot for any updates.

More Options

Once the Chatbot webservice is deployed, two additional options are available in the top right corner under three dots ( img alt ):

  • Download Logs: Downloads a zip with the latest logs from the Chatbot webservice. If you have any logs in custom code, those also will be included. Also in case of multiple instances, it is a consolidated log from all instances.
  • View Environment Properties: Shows a read-only view of all the environment variables set during deployment.