As was mentioned in the Installation section, you deploy two directories namely aistudio
and webchat
inside public folder of NGINX. One hosts AI Studio web UI and other is a simple and sample website which demonstrates how you can embed webchat on any webpage. Assuming you have followed installation instructions, you can access the webchat by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8008/webchat
. webchat
folder is a bunch of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files and can be deployed on any web server. As we saw in the Architecture section, webchat, like any other chat channels, needs to talk to connector service which in turn is going to talk to chatbot web service. This is how this page looks like.
If you click on the icon on the bottom right, you will see a welcome screen and when you click on "Get Started" button, you will see the actual webchat window. In turn this results in showing the <div id="chat-window">
which in turn contains an iframe
. Images in the below table show these two screens.
Welcome Screen | Webchat window |
![]() | ![]() |
This just shows one way to incorporate webchat on a webpage. Let's say you have an existing webpage and you want to embed webchat on it. HTML below shows how it can be done. This will end up putting icon to bring up the chat window on the webpage at the bottom right corner.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Sample Page</title>
<!-- Your webpage code -->
<!-- ================================================== -->
<!-- </body> Comment/Remove this closing body tag -->
<div class="floating-action" id="float-btn">
<a class="floating-btn btn btn-fab btn-raised" id="chatWindowButons">
<div id="chat-window">
<script src="http://localhost:8008/webchat/static/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://localhost:8008/webchat/static/js/embed.js"></script>
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var bIconDisplay = true;
$("#chatWindowButons").click(function () {
if (bIconDisplay) {
bIconDisplay = false;
} else {
bIconDisplay = true;
<!-- ================================================== -->
You can customize chatbot name, connector service connection details, icon, company logo, images, CSS etc. You pretty much get following three HTML pages with webchat
- Initial page can be accessed at
- Welcome page at
and - Webchat page at
Configurable items can be changed through static/js/config.json
Connector service details
Connector service details are part of connection
"connection": {
"token": "secret",
"domain": "http://localhost:3978/v3/directline"
Initial page
On the initial page you can configure,
- botName - visible on the top; default value - Cognibot
- botImage - Bot image to be used on embedded chatbot button. Add new image in
and used relative path in configuration - landingPage - You can specify either
here. For the latter, welcome page will not be shown and you will directly be shown the webchat page.
"embedPage": {
"botName": "Cognibot",
"botImage": "static/images/aebot.png",
"landingPage": "/welcome"
Welcome page
On welcome page you can configure,
- coverLogoImage - visible on the top
- BotImage - Bot image shown in circle
- title, subtitle, summary - To show chatbot information and static welcome message
- inputTextPlaceholder, buttonText - as the name suggest for respective operations
"welcomePage": {
"coverLogoImage": "static/images/aelogo.png",
"botImage": "static/images/aebot.png",
"title": "Hello, I am Chatbot for IT.",
"subtitle": "",
"summary": "I can help you for IT issues, request and information. Let me know how can I help you today.",
"inputTextPlaceholder": "Let's begin with your Name?",
"buttonText": "Get Started"
Webchat page
On Webchat page you can configure,
- title - Chatbot name; default value - Cognibot
- webchatStyle - Customise webchat styling with this json
"chatPage": {
"title": "Cognibot",
"webchatStyle": {
// Avatar
"botAvatarImage": "static/images/aebot.png",
"botAvatarInitials": "",
"userAvatarInitials": "",
"backgroundColor": "#fff",
"botAvatarBackgroundColor": "#da8300",
"userAvatarImage": "static/images/userAvatar.png",
// Bubble
"bubbleBorderWidth": 0,
"bubbleFromUserBorderWidth": 0,
"bubbleBorderRadius": 1,
"bubbleFromUserBorderRadius": 0,
"bubbleBackground": "transparent",
"bubbleFromUserBackground": "transparent",
// Transcript overlay buttons
"transcriptOverlayButtonBackground": "rgba(94, 110, 234, .6)",
"transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnFocus": "rgba(94, 110, 234, .8)",
"transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnHover": "rgba(94, 110, 234, .8)",
"transcriptOverlayButtonColor": "White",
// Suggested actions
"suggestedActionBackground": "#bba27d",
"suggestedActionBorderColor": "#000",
"suggestedActionBorderStyle": "solid",
"suggestedActionBorderWidth": 2,
"suggestedActionBorderRadius": "50px",
"suggestedActionImageHeight": 20,
"suggestedActionTextColor": "White",
"suggestedActionDisabledBorder": null,
"suggestedActionDisabledBorderColor": "#E6E6E6",
"suggestedActionDisabledBorderStyle": "solid",
"suggestedActionDisabledBorderWidth": 2,
"suggestedActionHeight": 38,
// Send box
"sendBoxBackground": "#ebebed"
webchatStyle mentioned above contain values used for webchat packaged with AI Studio distribution. You can access it in aistudio/ui/html/static/js/config.json
. You can extend this configuration using properties defined in next section.
Styling options
Put following key with appropriate value. Description, Default value is given for each key value pair.
* Basic styling
/** Web Chat component accent color - [default - '#0063B1'] */
accent?: string;
* Transcript background color - [default - 'White']
backgroundColor?: string;
* Secondary component color - [default - '#767676']
subtle?: string;
* Default padding used in most visual components - [default - 10]
paddingRegular?: number;
* Padding used for suggestedAction buttons - [default - 20]
paddingWide?: number;
Transition for Bubble, Carousel, and StackedLayout - [default - '0s']
transitionDuration?: string;
* Fonts
* Default font size will be inherited from the host app
* Font size used for secondary components such as sendStatus - [default - '80%']
fontSizeSmall?: number | string;
* Font used for ErrorBox
* comma-space separated string - [default - 'Consolas', 'Courier New', 'monospace']
monospaceFont?: string;
* Font used in most visual components
* comma-space separated string - [default - 'Calibri', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Arial', 'sans-serif']
primaryFont?: string;
// [default - '100%']
rootHeight?: number | string;
// [default - '100%']
rootWidth?: number | string;
* "z-index" for the root container of Web Chat. This will form a new stacking context so "z-index" used in children won't pollute. [default - 0]
rootZIndex?: number;
* Avatar styling
* Border radius used for both bot and user avatar - [default - '50%']
avatarBorderRadius?: number | string;
* Height and width of avatar - [default - '50%']
avatarSize?: number;
* Background color defaults to accent
botAvatarBackgroundColor?: string;
* URL string. Can be data URI or blob
* botAvatarInitials must be set to empty string
botAvatarImage?: string;
* Typically rendered as two letters, e.g. 'WC'
* Empty string is required when setting botAvatarImage
botAvatarInitials?: string;
* Background color defaults to accent
userAvatarBackgroundColor?: string;
* URL string. Can be data URI or blob
* userAvatarInitials must be set to empty string
userAvatarImage?: string;
* Typically rendered as two letters, i.e. 'WC'
* Empty string is required when setting userAvatarImage
userAvatarInitials?: string;
* Avatar grouping can be set at 3 different levels:
* Show avatar on activities sharing the same sender ('sender')
* Show avatar on activities sharing the same status ('status'; default)
* Show avatar on every activity (true)
showAvatarInGroup?: true | 'sender' | 'status';
* Bubble styling
* 'Bubble' refers to the container of the activit(ies) from the bot and user. Below, non-'fromUser' props refer to styling for the bot activities.
bubbleBackground?: string;
bubbleBorderColor?: string;
bubbleBorderRadius?: number;
bubbleBorderStyle?: string;
bubbleBorderWidth?: number;
bubbleFromUserBackground?: string;
bubbleFromUserBorderColor?: string;
bubbleFromUserBorderRadius?: number;
bubbleFromUserBorderStyle?: string;
bubbleFromUserBorderWidth?: number;
* Nub offset 'bottom' will render nub at the bottom
* A positive or negative number will shift nub offset up/down
* "top" is equivalent to positive zero.
* "bottom" is equivalent to negative zero.
bubbleFromUserNubOffset?: number | 'bottom' | 'top';
* Nub size 0 will render a sharp corner
bubbleFromUserNubSize?: number;
bubbleFromUserTextColor?: string;
bubbleImageHeight?: number;
bubbleMaxWidth?: number;
bubbleMinHeight?: number;
bubbleMinWidth?: number;
* Nub offset ''bottom' will render nub at the bottom
* A positive or negative number will shift nub offset up/down
* "top" is equivalent to positive zero.
* "bottom" is equivalent to negative zero.
bubbleNubOffset?: number | 'bottom' | 'top';
* Nub size 0 will render a sharp corner
bubbleNubSize?: number;
bubbleTextColor?: string;
messageActivityWordBreak?: 'normal' | 'break-all' | 'break-word' | 'keep-all';
* Connectivity UI styling
connectivityIconPadding?: number;
connectivityMarginLeftRight?: number;
connectivityMarginTopBottom?: number;
connectivityTextSize?: number | string;
failedConnectivity?: number | string;
slowConnectivity?: string;
notificationText?: string;
* Slow connection status will render after x amount of time with no service response
slowConnectionAfter?: number;
* Emoji styling
* If true, Web Chat's default set of emoji will be enabled. See patchStyleOptions.js for default list.
* A custom object will enable unicode emoji specified by the developer.
* key: emoticon
* value: unicode emoji
emojiSet?: boolean | Record<string, string>;
* Live region - Accessibility
* New activities will be rendered in the non-visual live region and removed after a certain amount of time. Modify this property to change fade time.
internalLiveRegionFadeAfter?: number;
* Markdown styling
* Parse markdown to ensure carriage return is respected
markdownRespectCRLF?: boolean;
* Assign new image for anchor links to indicate external
markdownExternalLinkIconImage?: string;
* Scroll behavior styling
* Prevent scroll to end button from rendering
hideScrollToEndButton?: boolean;
* Snap to activity to 'snap-point'
* If true, scrolling will pause after 1 activity is received.
* Specifying a number will pause after X number of activities
autoScrollSnapOnActivity?: boolean | number;
* Specify number of pixels to overscroll or underscroll after pause
autoScrollSnapOnActivityOffset?: number;
* If true, scrolling will pause after activities have filled the page.
* Specifying a number (0 to 1) will pause after % of page is filled
autoScrollSnapOnPage?: boolean | number;
* Specify number of pixels to overscroll or underscroll after pause
autoScrollSnapOnPageoffset?: number;
* Send box styling
[default -
hideSendBox: false,
hideUploadButton: false,
microphoneButtonColorOnDictate: '#F33',
sendBoxBackground: 'White',
sendBoxButtonColorOnDisabled: '#CCC',
sendBoxButtonColorOnFocus: '#333',
sendBoxButtonColorOnHover: '#333',
sendBoxDisabledTextColor: undefined,
sendBoxHeight: 40,
sendBoxMaxHeight: 200,
sendBoxTextColor: 'Black',
sendBoxBorderTop: 'solid 1px #E6E6E6',
sendBoxTextWrap: false,
sendBoxButtonAlignment: 'stretch',]
hideSendBox?: boolean;
hideUploadButton?: boolean;
microphoneButtonColorOnDictate?: string;
sendBoxBackground?: string;
* Button color defaults to subtle
sendBoxButtonColor?: string;
sendBoxButtonColorOnDisabled?: string;
sendBoxButtonColorOnFocus?: string;
sendBoxButtonColorOnHover?: string;
* Disabled text color defaults to subtle
sendBoxDisabledTextColor?: string;
sendBoxHeight?: number | string;
sendBoxMaxHeight?: number | string;
sendBoxTextColor?: string;
sendBoxBorderBottom?: number | string;
sendBoxBorderLeft?: number | string;
sendBoxBorderRight?: number | string;
sendBoxBorderTop?: number | string;
sendBoxPlaceholderColor?: string;
sendBoxTextWrap?: boolean;
sendBoxButtonAlignment?: 'bottom' | 'stretch' | 'top';
* Show spoken text
showSpokenText?: boolean;
* Spinner animation styling
spinnerAnimationBackgroundImage?: string;
spinnerAnimationHeight?: number | string;
spinnerAnimationWidth?: number | string;
spinnerAnimationPadding?: number | string;
* Suggested Actions
suggestedActionBackground?: string;
* Border color defaults to accent.
suggestedActionBorderColor?: string;
suggestedActionBorderRadius?: number | string;
suggestedActionBorderStyle?: string;
suggestedActionBorderWidth?: number | string;
* Disabled background defaults to suggestedActionBackground
suggestedActionDisabledBackground?: string;
suggestedActionDisabledBorderColor?: string;
suggestedActionDisabledBorderStyle?: string;
suggestedActionDisabledBorderWidth?: number | string;
* Disabled text color defaults to subtle
suggestedActionDisabledTextColor?: string;
suggestedActionHeight?: number | string;
suggestedActionImageHeight?: number | string;
suggestedActionLayout?: 'carousel' | 'flow' | 'stacked';
suggestedActionTextColor?: string;
* Suggested actions carousel layout
* Cursor when mouseover on flipper
suggestedActionsCarouselFlipperCursor?: string;
* Flipper bounding box size
suggestedActionsCarouselFlipperBoxWidth?: number;
* Flipper button's visible size
suggestedActionsCarouselFlipperSize?: number;
* Suggested actions flow layout
* Default value is 'auto',
suggestedActionsFlowMaxHeight?: undefined;
* Suggested actions stacked layout
* Stacked height container's max height. Default value is 'auto'
suggestedActionsStackedHeight?: number | 'auto';
* Stacked overflow default value is 'auto
suggestedActionsStackedOverflow?: 'string';
* Button max height default value is 100% if suggestedActionsStackedLayoutButtonTextWrap is true
suggestedActionsStackedLayoutButtonMaxHeight?: number | string;
* Button Text Wrap, if set to true, will wrap long text in buttons in STACKED mode ONLY
suggestedActionsStackedLayoutButtonTextWrap?: boolean;
* Timestamp
[default -
groupTimestamp: true,
sendTimeout: 20000,
sendTimeoutForAttachments: 120000]
groupTimestamp?: boolean;
sendTimeout?: number;
sendTimeoutForAttachments?: number;
* Timestamp color default value is subtle
timestampColor?: string;
timestampFormat?: 'absolute' | 'relative';
* Transcript styling
transcriptTerminatorBackgroundColor?: string;
transcriptTerminatorBorderRadius?: number | string;
transcriptTerminatorColor?: string;
transcriptTerminatorFontSize?: number | string;
transcriptActivityVisualKeyboardIndicatorColor?: string;
transcriptActivityVisualKeyboardIndicatorStyle?: string;
transcriptActivityVisualKeyboardIndicatorWidth?: number | string;
transcriptVisualKeyboardIndicatorColor?: string;
transcriptVisualKeyboardIndicatorStyle?: string;
transcriptVisualKeyboardIndicatorWidth?: number | string;
* Transcript overlay button
* e.g. carousel and suggested action flippers, scroll to bottom, etc.
[default -
newMessagesButtonFontSize: '85%',
transcriptOverlayButtonBackground: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)',
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnDisabled: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)',
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnFocus: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnHover: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
transcriptOverlayButtonColor: 'White',
transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnDisabled: 'White',]
newMessagesButtonFontSize?: number | string;
transcriptOverlayButtonBackground?: string;
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnDisabled?: string;
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnFocus?: string;
transcriptOverlayButtonBackgroundOnHover?: string;
transcriptOverlayButtonColor?: string;
transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnDisabled?: string;
* Default value is transcriptOverlayButtonColor
transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnFocus?: string;
* Default value is transcriptOverlayButtonColor
transcriptOverlayButtonColorOnHover?: string;
* Toast UI
* New debounce timeout value only affects new notifications.
[default -
notificationDebounceTimeout: 400,
hideToaster: false,
toasterHeight: 32,
toasterMaxHeight: 32 * 5,
toasterSingularMaxHeight: 50,
toastFontSize: '87.5%',
toastIconWidth: 36,
toastSeparatorColor: '#E8EAEC',
toastTextPadding: 6,
toastErrorBackgroundColor: '#FDE7E9',
toastErrorColor: '#A80000',
toastInfoBackgroundColor: '#CEF1FF',
toastInfoColor: '#105E7D',
toastSuccessBackgroundColor: '#DFF6DD',
toastSuccessColor: '#107C10',
toastWarnBackgroundColor: '#FFF4CE',
toastWarnColor: '#3B3A39']
notificationDebounceTimeout?: number;
hideToaster?: boolean;
toasterHeight?: number | string;
toasterMaxHeight?: number | string;
toasterSingularMaxHeight?: number | string;
toastFontSize?: number | string;
toastIconWidth?: number | string;
toastSeparatorColor?: string;
toastTextPadding?: number | string;
toastErrorBackgroundColor?: string;
toastErrorColor?: string;
toastInfoBackgroundColor?: string;
toastInfoColor?: string;
toastSuccessBackgroundColor?: string;
toastSuccessColor?: string;
toastWarnBackgroundColor?: string;
toastWarnColor?: string;
* Typing animation
[default -
typingAnimationDuration: 5000,
typingAnimationHeight: 20,
typingAnimationWidth: 64]
typingAnimationBackgroundImage?: string;
typingAnimationDuration?: number;
typingAnimationHeight?: number | string;
typingAnimationWidth?: number | string;
* Upload thumbnail
[default -
enableUploadThumbnail: true,
uploadThumbnailContentType: 'image/jpeg',
uploadThumbnailHeight: 360,
uploadThumbnailQuality: 0.6,
uploadThumbnailWidth: 720 ]
enableUploadThumbnail?: boolean;
uploadThumbnailContentType?: string;
uploadThumbnailHeight?: number | string;
uploadThumbnailQuality?: number;
uploadThumbnailWidth?: number | string;
* Video - [default - 270]
videoHeight?: number | string;