Skills are logical containers of use cases or dialogs. It can be used if you want a single chatbot to cater to various verticals (for example, departments in your organization) with different settings and integrations per division.
On creating a Cognibot project, a skill named Default is also created. This skill is also marked as Default, i.e. when a user connects to the chatbot it opens up in the skill context which is marked as Default.
Create Skill
- Click Create Skill from the top right.
- Enter the following details in the Create Skill dialog,
- Name: Enter the name of the skill.
- Description: Enter the description of the skill.
- Click Create.
Skill Settings
Skill-level attributes are configured in Skill Settings. This allows you to set specific settings for each skill. For example, you might want a different welcome message per vertical i.e. HR, Finance, etc.
Certain attributes are available in Cognibot Settings (project-level settings) and Skill Settings as well.
In this case, the configuration for the particular attribute in Skill Settings takes precedence.
- Click settings icon (
) by hovering over the skill name in the Skills table.
- The fields available under edit skills settings are given below:
- General Settings: The user can edit the name and description of the skill here.
tipDefault Skill option is provided to set a particular skill as the Default. This option is not visible in the Skill Settings of the skill that is already marked as Default.
- Welcome Message: The message to be shown when a user is in this skill context in the chatbot. The message can be either a Text, Adaptive Card, or Dialog. Also, this can be enabled or disabled according to the requirement.
- Handoff: Skill-level setting for human handoff. The Handoff Agents specified here are Skill-level agents who can assist the chatbot user with this specific skill. Human handoff can be enabled from Cognibot Settings.
- Custom Triggers: These are triggers that can be executed before or after dialog triggers and are specified in the Execution Order. The Functions are to be written in python and placed under
Extension -> custom -> functions -> custom_trigger
ExampleA detailed example on custom triggers is provided in Samples
- NLU Project: NLU project can be integrated with each skill.
- KM Project: KM project can be integrated with each skill.
- Feedback: Configuration for feedback if any dialog enables Has Feedback option.
The settings needed for feedback are explained below,- Dialog: Select the dialog from the skill which is to be invoked when the user chooses to give feedback. The dialog must take two inputs from the user, rating (integer) and feedback (string).
- Rating: State variable where the rating is stored in the dialog.
- Feedback: State variable where feedback is stored in the dialog.